M50/1.4第三代,E46 pre-asph.版,被送來的原因是它有一組膠合鏡組脫膠導致霧化。依序號,這支鏡頭是1994年生產,今年才20歲,就發生脫膠,所幸它主人找到我,才能將它完全復原!
有人覺得處理脫膠的費用很高,不太合理。 不過事實上,處理脫膠的整個程序是非常複雜且耗時費工,而且相當困難,費用絕對是合理的!
這支這麼好的鏡頭不幸出現脫膠問題,經過細心的處理,讓它完全恢復~ 恭喜它重獲新生,也恭喜它的主人!!
M50/1.4 3rd generation, E46 pre-asph. version.
This lens suffered from cemented lens group separation (balsam issue) to let the lens looks hazy and cloudy. According to its SN#, it produced in 1994, and just 20 year-old this year. It is very lucky that its' owner send it to me and I make it back to its original condition.
Someone arguing the cost for treating the balsam issue is quite expensive and higher than normal CLA. This is true, and the reason is that the whole treatment involves very complex process and it's truly a time & work-consuming task.
After a careful treatment, the lens has been restored back to its intact condition.
老鏡回春記 -- 專業鏡頭維修保養 聯絡電話 0975165383 送、寄件地址:台北市八德路一段43巷28號3樓 email: lin0975165383@gmail.com LINE ID: 0975165383 Whats APP: 0975165383 www.facebook.com/CLAmanualfocuslens -- Professional Lens Repair & Maintenance /CLA -- Please contact me at~ lin0975165383@gmail.com www.facebook.com/CLAmanualfocuslens
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