鏡頭維修 服務項目 Service Category


收件人: 林緯倫
收件地址: 10058 台北市八德路一段43巷28號3樓
聯絡電話: 0975165383

在您寄出之前,請先電話聯繫,或是email聯繫 lin0975165383@gmail.com

Hi All~
I'm a professional photographic lens repairman in Taiwan. I provide services from regular lens maintenance to high-end restoration.

High-end restoration includes 
  1. Damaged coating polishing treatment
  2. Cemented lens group separation/balsam issue re-cementing treatment
I'm the only one that can manage both high-end tasks for every kind of lens in the world. Currently, there have more and more foreign customers from Asia, Europe and America sending me the lenses for repairing. If you have any question, please don't hesitate to let me know, I will provide the best answer and service as I can.

You may contact me by email at lin0975165383@gmail.com
You are welcome to visit my facebook page https://www.facebook.com/CLAmanualfocuslens , you can drop me a message there if needed.

Thanks for viewing my page.


My Shipping Information

Receiver: Lin Wea Lun
Address: 3F., No.28, Ln. 43, Sec. 1, Bade Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 10058, Taiwan
Phone #: +886 975165383



  • 相關費用,請直接來電 或 來信 詢問!
  • 鏡頭若有浮動鏡組設計,整理維修時如必須動到該浮動鏡祖,費用會增加。
  • 以上報價,僅是一般性的參考,畢竟問題有輕重區別,情況較輕微的,價錢會低一些。
  • 自動對焦(AF)鏡頭各項價格均加200元。 自動對焦鏡頭不處理更換零件的服務。
  • 變焦鏡 整理的費用,比定焦鏡高,主要是因為變焦鏡結構相當複雜,拆裝不易,費時費力。
  • 如果您自行拆解鏡頭,但無法自行組裝回去,只要零件沒有遺失短少,我都可以幫您重新組裝回去,並重新校正。費用依問題程度不同而不同,請詢問!
  • 修鏡頭是苦力,每個地方的價格略有差異,技術也有差異,歡迎多比較。修鏡頭是苦力,煩請別殺價 ~ 感謝!
  • 鏡片如僅是一般進塵,屬正常,是不需清洗的,除非是很大的塵點髒污,才需要清洗。鏡片清潔,無法恢復到完全"無塵"的狀態,請注意這點!!
  • 鏡頭如果狀況太差,無法修復,不收費。 如可部分修復,酌收費用。