2020年12月13日 星期日

Hasselblad Carl Zeiss Planar F 110mm f/2.0 T* 後鏡片嚴重霧化變質拋光處理 Polish for rear glass hazy deterioration

這支 Hasselblad F 110/2 的後鏡片的外側面有嚴重的霧化變質,要讓它鏡頭可以再次拍出乾淨清晰的照片的唯一方法,就是拋光處理。


This Hasselblad F 110/2 had a serious hazy deterioration on the outer surface of the rear glass. Polish is the only way that can make it clean and clear.

You can see the significant difference between "before" and "after" polish from the following pictures.

