2017年7月22日 星期六

Leica Leitz Hektor 7.3cm f/1.9 全鏡整理 Full CLA

這支老萊卡 Hektor 7.3cm f/1.9 送來的檢查,看著鏡片霧矇矇的,我以為是鏡片變質起霧或是膠合鏡組脫膠離膠造成的霧,必須要拋光獲重新黏合處理。 拆鏡之後發現都只是入塵髒污,清潔之後,鏡片就恢復乾淨通透了,不需要任何特殊處理

This old Leica Hektor 7.3cm f/1.9 looks hazy internally, and I thought it may caused by glass deterioration or cemented glue deterioration, and need a special treatment. After I disassembled the lens, I realized it just only dust and can be removed off by general cleaning.
After a full CLA, the lens restore back to great optical and mechanical condition.

