以前沒有見過膠合鏡組的貼合面有發霉的現象,這些紋路看起來雖然類似霉絲,但並不典型,或許膠合面也會長霉,不過我就先將這暫時先歸類為膠合鏡組的脫膠/離膠的問題。至於成因為何,為何會有這樣的紋路出現? 我就不而知了
再將兩膠合鏡片分開並清理乾淨後,重新黏合在一起後,鏡片看起來乾淨沒問題了! 問題順利解決!
This M35/1.4 ASPH. Titanium version got a separation issue with its rear cemented lens group.
At the first glance when I received, I thought the problem is fungus, as you can see in the attached images. When I took out the lens, I found that the lines are all between the two cemented surfaces of the glasses.
The weird lines look not like typical fungus, and I never see that there has fungus grown between cemented layer, so I think the problem is cemented group separation. Maybe I'm wrong~
After the re-cementing treatment, the lens looks clean and clear again!
老鏡回春記 -- 專業鏡頭維修保養 聯絡電話 0975165383 送、寄件地址:台北市八德路一段43巷28號3樓 email: lin0975165383@gmail.com LINE ID: 0975165383 Whats APP: 0975165383 www.facebook.com/CLAmanualfocuslens -- Professional Lens Repair & Maintenance /CLA -- Please contact me at~ lin0975165383@gmail.com www.facebook.com/CLAmanualfocuslens
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