這支M 35/2.0 ASPH. 的光圈葉片卡油需要清理,鏡片也有薄霧需要清理
這支鏡頭和 第一代的M35/1.4 ASPH. 的光學結構和機械結構很像,拆了鏡片清理之後,組裝後鏡組時需要特殊的校正程序,不然畫質會有很大的影響。 我藉由特殊的校正工具順利將鏡頭處理好,讓這隻好鏡頭恢復良好的狀態!
This M35/2.0 ASPH. has slight oil on its aperture blades, and slight fog on the internal lens elements need to clean.
Cleaning both minor problems are easy to me, but need to pay more attention during re-assembling by adopting special calibration equipment to insure the optical performance. The optical and mechanical construction of M35/2.0 ASPH. is similar to M35/1.4 ASPH., and both lens has special mechanical construction on the rear lens group. When re-assembling the rear lens parts, the calibration step is needed.
老鏡回春記 -- 專業鏡頭維修保養 聯絡電話 0975165383 送、寄件地址:台北市八德路一段43巷28號3樓 email: lin0975165383@gmail.com LINE ID: 0975165383 Whats APP: 0975165383 www.facebook.com/CLAmanualfocuslens -- Professional Lens Repair & Maintenance /CLA -- Please contact me at~ lin0975165383@gmail.com www.facebook.com/CLAmanualfocuslens
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