2014年9月29日 星期一

Angenieux Zoom 20-120mm f/2.6 前鏡片嚴重刮傷 拋光處理 front glass serious scratches polishing treatment

這是一支又大又重的電影鏡頭,它的問題是第一片鏡片中間區域有嚴重的刮傷,這些刮傷確實嚴重影響成像。唯一解決方法,就是鏡片拋光處理。這麼大面積的鏡片處理起來真是耗時費工,好不容易把整面鍍膜拋掉之後,中間區域大部分的刮痕還是在~~~ 原來是原本刮痕太深,都傷進玻璃本身了,此時玻璃上的刮痕,一樣會影響成像,所以要進一步進行玻璃拋光。鏡片玻璃拋光是難度與風險都很高的工作,必須要精準的工法,以免破壞鏡片原有的曲度。最後,把大部分的刮痕都拋除,剩下一很少數太深的刮痕不予處理,以確保鏡片曲度不受改變。

在最後幾張是拍照中可以看到,拋光前的照片的中間區域有明顯的奇怪紋路,也有霧矇矇的感覺,在經過精細的鏡片拋光後,奇怪紋路沒有了,畫質也恢復應有的清晰! 鏡頭重生了!

This is a big & heavy cine lens. The main problem is there has many serious scratches can be found on the central part of the front glass, and these scratches really have significant influence on the image quality. The only way to save this lens is to polish the damage surface. After polished the coating away, there still left most of the scratches there. That means the scratches are too deep to damage to glass itself. The next step is to polish the glass to make the glass clear. After a long time precise polishing treatment, the glass become clear and clean.
As you can see in the sample images, the polishing treatment really has significant effect on rescue a lens with serious damage.

