2014年7月23日 星期三

LEICA LEITZ SUMMICRON-M 35mm f/2.0 v.2 6-element 六枚玉 前膠合鏡組脫膠 重新黏合 Treatment Lens Separation; Re-cementing Re-gluing

這支是Leica M鏡 35mm f/2.0 的第二代 六枚玉,此鏡的問題就是前膠合鏡組邊緣出現脫膠,鏡主送來給我處理。
M 35/2 從 八枚、六枚到七枚,鏡片都會出現問題。

八枚最常見的問題是玻璃本身變質變濁,之前處理過,唯一解決之道就是拋磨拋光,請參考 http://lens-cla.blogspot.tw/2014/02/leica-leitz-summicron-m-35mm-f20-v1.html




In this article, I will present the treatment for 2nd version of Leica M 35/2.0 6-element which suffered from cemented lens group separation.

Each M35/2 has their own issue in optics~

Most common issue with v.1 8-element is the lens glass deterioration. It looks hazy and foggy internally. This problem is not only on the coating, but also on the glass itself. The only way to make the lens to take clear photos is to polish the deteriorated coating and glass. Here is the case I performed before http://lens-cla.blogspot.tw/2014/02/leica-leitz-summicron-m-35mm-f20-v1.html

v.2 & v.3 6-element has cemented lens group separation, you will see below.
v.4 7-element also has the problem in separation. I will update the article in the near future.

Following the SOP I created to repair the lens group with separation, this M35 summicron v.2 has been successfully restored to its original clean and clear condition!

