2014年4月15日 星期二

LEICA SUMMICRON-M 50mm f/2.0 E39 現行版 脫膠 重新粘合 6th Treatment Lens Separation; Re-cementing Re-gluing

這支是現行版的M50/2 E39銀鏡,鏡況不太好,主要問題是有兩組膠合鏡片都脫膠了,需要處理,另外就是有些鏡片發霉需要清理。
一隻鏡頭有兩組脫膠,算是大病,處理起來要格外小心。再加上這支全開光圈就有很好的表現,重新粘合時只要有絲毫誤差,全開光圈拍攝時的畫質就會大受影響~ 處理起來可是戰戰兢兢!
最後,問題順利解決,修復後試拍結果非常滿意~ 全開光圈試拍犀利完美,細節清清楚楚!

M-Summicron 50/2 E39 current version chrome lens. The condition of this lens is not good. It suffers from balsam separation in two cementing lens groups, need a treatment to re-cement the lens elements. It also got some fungus on the glasses need a clean.
The re-cementing treatment performed without error. The testing after the treatment shows perfect result with sharp images and clear details! The problems have been cured!
If your lens has balsam separation issue and unable to get any help near you, just contact me. I can restore all kind of separation issue happen to your lens!

修復後的試拍照 Testing photos after the treatment

