Leica minilux equipped with a Summarit 40mm f/2.4 lens, and the most common problem of this lens is doublet elements separation. In this case, both front and rear internal doublets suffered from hazy elements separation. The images taken by this camera/lens were all foggy especially under the backlight condition. The only way to solve the elements separation is to make a re-cementing treatment. The whole process is quite complicated, general steps are shown in the attached images below. Just following the step-by-step procedure the problem can be totally restored.
老鏡回春記 -- 專業鏡頭維修保養 聯絡電話 0975165383 送、寄件地址:台北市八德路一段43巷28號3樓 email: lin0975165383@gmail.com LINE ID: 0975165383 Whats APP: 0975165383 www.facebook.com/CLAmanualfocuslens -- Professional Lens Repair & Maintenance /CLA -- Please contact me at~ lin0975165383@gmail.com www.facebook.com/CLAmanualfocuslens
2024年5月20日 星期一
Leica Minilux Summarit 40mm f/2.4 修復前後膠合鏡組脫膠離膠 Fixing the elements separation for the front and rear internal doublets
Leica minilux 配置的 Summarit 40mm f/2.4 鏡頭 目前常見到的問題是它的兩個膠合鏡組都有可能出現霧狀脫膠離膠的問題。 這台Minilux就是兩個膠合鏡組都有脫膠離膠的狀況,實拍照片就是白矇矇的,特別在逆光環境之下特別明顯。 解決的方法就是將有脫膠離膠的鏡組重新黏合,步驟如照片所示,過程雖繁瑣,但是問題是可以完全被修復的!
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