2024年4月5日 星期五

Mamiya N 80mm f/4.0 L 修復後膠合鏡組霧狀脫膠離膠 Fixing the rear doublet hazy elements separation

這支 Mamiya N 80mm f/4.0 L 的後膠合鏡組有霧狀脫膠離膠的問題,取出鏡組、分離鏡片、徹底清潔後,精準重新黏合,便可讓鏡片恢復乾淨通透! 
此款鏡頭 前、後各有一組膠合鏡組,這兩個鏡組都有可能會有脫膠離膠的問題,如果你的鏡頭有這樣的狀況,歡迎直接聯繫我!

This Mamiya N 80mm f/4.0 L got hazy elements separation to its rear doublet. Following the standard re-cementing procedure as show in the images below step by step, the problem can be fully restored.
The Mamiya N 80mm f/4.0 L has two doublets on front and rear. These two may have the problem in elements separation. If your lens has this problem, do hesitate to let me know, I will fix it for you!

2024年4月2日 星期二

Steinheil Macro-S-Quinon 55mm f/1.9 修復脫膠離膠 Fixing the elements separation

這支 Steinheil Macro-S-Quinon 55mm f/1.9 的前、後兩個膠合鏡組都有脫膠離膠的問題,分別位於第二、第三鏡組。 取出鏡片之後,依照標準處理程序,將鏡片分離、徹底清潔、精準重新黏合、鏡壁重塗黑漆,便可完成修復!

This Steinheil Macro-S-Quinon 55mm f/1.9 had an issue in elements separation on its 2nd and 3rd lens group. The problem can be fully restored by following the standard re-cementing procedure -- taking out the target lens group, taking apart the lens elements, cleaning thoroughly, re-cementing precisely and re-blackening the lens edge.

2024年3月21日 星期四

Canon Lens 35mm f/1.5 LTM L39 後膠合鏡組脫膠離膠修復 Fixing the rear internal triplet elements separation

這支 Canon Lens 35mm f/1.5 LTM L39 的第三鏡組 是三枚鏡片黏合在一起的膠合鏡組,它出現了明顯的脫膠離膠的問題。 依照我建立的重新黏合的標準處理程序~ 取出鏡組、分離鏡片、徹底清潔、精準重新黏合,最後補上鏡邊壁的黑漆,便可完成修復!

This Canon Lens 35mm f/1.5 LTM L39 had a problem in elements separation on its rear internal cemented triplet. Following the standard re-cementing procedure~ taking out the lens - taking apart the lens elements - cleaning thoroughly - re-cementing precisely - re-blackening the lens edge, the problem will be solved perfectly!
If your lens has similar issue, just contact me, I will fix it for you!

2024年3月16日 星期六

Olympus Zuiko 70mm f/2.0 Pen-F 內鏡片鏡面嚴重霧狀變質拋光 Polishing the serious surface deterioration of the internal lens element

這支Olympus Pen系列的70mm f/2.0的鏡頭 內部鏡片的一個鏡面有嚴重的霧狀變質問題,嚴重影響成像表現,特別在逆光的環境下,拍照時整個畫面會是霧濛濛的。 解決鏡面嚴重變質除了換鏡片之外,唯一的解決方式就是拋光。  正確的拋光可以將變質層去除,讓鏡片恢復乾淨通透。 請見最後兩張拋光前、後的試拍照,可以看出明顯的差別!

This Olympus Pen-F half frame system lens 70mm f/2.0 had a heavy haze on one of the internal lens element surface. The haze was caused by element surface deterioration, and it affects the image quality severely especially shooting under the backlight condition. Besides replacing an intact lens element, polishing is the only way to save the lens and make it usable to produce clear image. The proper and precise polish technic can remove the deteriorated layer from the element surface and bring the lens clean and clear again. As you can see from the last two sample images taken before and after polish treatment, there is a huge difference between them!!

2024年3月9日 星期六

Canon FD 200mm f/1.8 L 內鏡組霧狀脫膠離膠重新黏合 Fixing the internal lens group hazy elements separation

這支 Canon FD 200mm f/1.8 L 的內鏡組有霧狀的脫膠離膠,這問題只需要透過我建立的標準處理程序--分離鏡片--清潔--精準重新黏合,便可將問題解決,讓鏡片恢復乾淨通透!

This Canon FD 200mm f/1.8 L had a hazy elements separation on its internal lens group. This issue can be fully restored and make the glasses clean and clear again by following the standard re-cementing procedure I created. The procedure includes taking apart the lens elements, cleaning thoroughly and re-cementing by precise collimation. If your lens has similar problem, don't hesitate to let me know!