2022年8月5日 星期五

Angenieux DEM 200mm f/2.8 ED 鏡片清潔 對焦環潤滑 Cleaning glasses, Lubricating the focusing helicoids/focusing ring

這支 Angenieux DEM 200mm f/2.8 ED 鏡頭送來的時候狀況很不好,鏡片有霧有霉也有油漬,對焦環轉動乾澀不順。 

This Angenieux DEM 200mm f/2.8 ED came with bad optical and mechanical condition. The glasses have fungus, fog and oil stains. The focusing ring works not smooth.
What I do to the lens is to clean the glasses and lubricate the focusing helicoids to bring this lens back to great working condition!

