2022年2月8日 星期二

LEICA VARIO-APO-ELMARIT-R 70-180mm f/2.8 全鏡片清潔光圈葉片油漬清潔 Full elements cleaning, Oily aperture blades cleaning

這支 LEICA VARIO-APO-ELMARIT-R 70-180mm f/2.8的鏡片有薄霧以及明顯的入塵,光圈葉片也有油漬,上問題一併清潔。最後組裝時,做仔細校正確保成像品質。

This LEICA VARIO-APO-ELMARIT-R 70-180mm f/2.8 has visible fog and dusts on the internal lens elements, and slight oil on the aperture blades. Made a thorough cleaning. Made a calibration during the final re-assembling to ensure the image quality.

