2021年9月13日 星期一

CONTAX 645 Carl Zeiss Tele-Apotessar 350mm f/4.0 T* 鏡片發霉油霧清潔 Cleaning fungus and oil vapor

這支CONTAX 645 Carl Zeiss Tele-Apotessar 350mm f/4.0 T*有幾片鏡片有發霉以及油霧需要清潔,發霉看似嚴重,但都是可以清除乾淨的

This CONTAX 645 Carl Zeiss Tele-Apotessar 350mm f/4.0 T* has fungus and oil vapor on some internal lens elements that need cleaning. The fungus looks strong but can be fully cleaned.

