2020年11月20日 星期五

LEICA minilux Summarit 40mm f/2.4 後鏡組白霧化脫膠離膠重新黏合 Re-cementing for the rear hazy elements separation

 這台LEICA minilux配置的Summarit 40/2.4後膠合鏡組有白霧狀的脫膠/離膠的問題

處理脫膠/離膠的方法都是一樣的,就是將要處理的鏡組取出、分離、清潔、精準重新黏合,便可解決。 處理後,這台相機又可以拍出乾淨清晰的照片了!

The LEICA minilux adopted the Summarit 40mm f/2.4 lens which had a problem in lens elements separation that made the lens looks hazy.

Following the standard treatment procedure, taking out the lens --> taking apart the elements --> cleaning --> re-cementing precisely, the problem can be solved perfectly. 

