
2024年3月16日 星期六

Olympus Zuiko 70mm f/2.0 Pen-F 內鏡片鏡面嚴重霧狀變質拋光 Polishing the serious surface deterioration of the internal lens element

這支Olympus Pen系列的70mm f/2.0的鏡頭 內部鏡片的一個鏡面有嚴重的霧狀變質問題,嚴重影響成像表現,特別在逆光的環境下,拍照時整個畫面會是霧濛濛的。 解決鏡面嚴重變質除了換鏡片之外,唯一的解決方式就是拋光。  正確的拋光可以將變質層去除,讓鏡片恢復乾淨通透。 請見最後兩張拋光前、後的試拍照,可以看出明顯的差別!

This Olympus Pen-F half frame system lens 70mm f/2.0 had a heavy haze on one of the internal lens element surface. The haze was caused by element surface deterioration, and it affects the image quality severely especially shooting under the backlight condition. Besides replacing an intact lens element, polishing is the only way to save the lens and make it usable to produce clear image. The proper and precise polish technic can remove the deteriorated layer from the element surface and bring the lens clean and clear again. As you can see from the last two sample images taken before and after polish treatment, there is a huge difference between them!!

