
2023年9月18日 星期一

Nikon Nippon Kogaku W-NIKKOR 3.5cm f/1.8 修復前內鏡組脫膠離膠 Fixing the elements separation of the front internal group

這支 Nikon W-NIKKOR 3.5cm f/1.8 的前內鏡組有雪花點狀的脫膠離膠的問題。這個鏡組是被鑲嵌在金屬框裡,需要先以特殊工具將金屬邊去除後,才有辦法把鏡片取出來進行後續重新黏合的工作。 重新黏合的工作,只要透過標準的處理程序,便可將問題解決。鏡片處理過後,解決了脫膠離膠的問題,讓鏡頭恢復原狀!

This Nikon W-NIKKOR 3.5cm f/1.8 had a problem in snowflake-like elements separation on its front internal lens group. This lens doublet was embedded in the metal frame, and I used a special device to remove the metal rim and took out the lens doublet for the next re-cementing processing.
The doublet elements separation can be completely solved by just following the standard Recementing procedure.

