
2022年10月8日 星期六

Contax Carl Zeiss Distagon 28mm f/2.0 T* 鏡片清潔對焦環重新潤滑改無段光圈 Clean lens elements, Lubricate focusing helicoids, De-click the aperture ring

這支Contax Carl Zeiss Distagon 28mm f/2.0 T*送來做基本保養,包括
  • 鏡片清潔,去除雜塵、薄霧與油漬油霧
  • 對焦環重新潤滑。因為這支鏡頭有浮動鏡組的設計,所以在最後組裝時,必須要適當的校正,確保邊角的成像品質
  • 鏡頭主人要用它來拍攝影片,所以要把光圈環檔位鋼珠取出,讓光圈轉動變成無段的行程。這個部分必須要使用比較厚重的潤滑油脂,以避免在無段行程下,光圈環太容易因不小心碰觸而轉動

This Contax Carl Zeiss Distagon 28mm f/2.0 T* sent me for basic maintenance, the details are~
  • Cleaning lens elements to remove dirts, fog and oily vapor.
  • Lubricating focusing helicoids. This incorporated the floating elements design, it is necessary to adjust and calibrate the extra focusing helicoids to proper position to ensure the corner image quality.
  • De-clicking the aperture ring for future cin-mod. The owner of this lens prefer a stepless and quite aperture control for videography, so needs to remove the small stainless ball and apply thicker and heavier grease.

