
2021年11月11日 星期四

Contax Carl Zeiss Planar 50mm f/1.4 T* 膠合鏡組脫膠離膠重新黏合 Re-cementing for hazy elements separation

這支 Contax Carl Zeiss Planar 50mm f/1.4 T* 有典型的霧狀脫膠離膠的問題,這支鏡頭的脫膠離膠好發於光圈葉片後面的膠合鏡組。 這種霧狀脫膠離膠對拍照畫質最明顯的影響,就是對著光拍。霧霧的鏡片會讓畫面也霧霧濛濛的,光源周圍特別明顯。
脫膠離膠的問題修復之後,是可以完全被復原的。 如果您有鏡頭也有類似的問題,歡迎隨時跟我聯絡!!

This Contax Carl Zeiss Planar 50mm f/1.4 T* suffered from an elements separation on its rear cemented lens group. This a a typical problem that may happened on this lens. The elements separation makes the glasses looks hazy, and also makes the images hazy and foggy which taken by this lens especially shooting under the backlight condition.
Following the standard re-cementing treatment procedure, the problem can be totally solved, and the lens' performance will be identical to its original.
Please take a look at the last 2 testing images, you can see the huge differences between them.
If your lens has the similar problem, please feel free to contact me!!

