
2021年6月26日 星期六

CANON EF 200mm f/1.8 L 鍍膜裂紋瑕疵拋光處理 Polishing for coating defect

這支 CANON EF 200mm f/1.8 L 後組有一片鏡片的鍍膜有類似裂紋的損傷,整面滿滿的裂紋狀,相當奇特。 處理的方式就是拋光。 可以從最後兩張照片看到,拋光前、後明顯的差異。

This CANON EF 200mm f/1.8 L has a strange coating crack texture on one of the surface of the rear group elements. The way to solve the problem is to make a polish treatment. As you can see from the last two attached images, after polish, the glass looks clean and clear.

