這支Kilfitt Makro-Kilar 90mm f/2.8的後鏡組是一膠合鏡組,它看起來霧霧的,拆下鏡片後確認它有脫膠/離膠的問題
整個過程簡略分為下幾個步驟: 取出鏡組、分離鏡片、完整清潔、重新黏合、重新塗上鏡壁黑漆、組裝。
This Kilfitt Makro-Kilar 90mm f/2.8 had a problem in the lens elements separation on its rear (3rd) lens group, it look hazy.
The lens elements separation can be completely resolved by following the standard treatment procedure: Taking out the lens group, Taking apart the lens elements, Cleaning thoroughly, Re-cementing precisely, Blackening the lens edge, Re-assembling.
All the steps look simple, but involves sophisticated skill. It is highly not recommended to do it yourself!