這支OM 55/1.2 後鏡片有嚴重的變質霧化損傷,整面鏡片都是霧與密密麻麻的雜點。這樣的問題,似乎是這款鏡頭長有的通病,只是嚴重程度每支各有不同。
遇到這樣的問題,想要讓鏡片恢復乾淨通透,目前唯一的方法,就是拋光處理。最後兩張照片可看出拋光處理前、後的顯著差異。 拋光前的鏡片是整面霧與雜點,拋光之後,乾淨通透。
This OM55/1.2 has a serious deteriorated damage on its outer surface of the rear glass, it looks hazy with countless tiny dots. Such kind of deterioration seems to be the common issue of OM55/1.2, and now this problem can be restored by polishing treatment. Following the traditional polish technique, the deteriorated surface can be removed and bring the lens back to clean, clear and bright condition.
The last two images show a huge differences between before and after polishing treatment.