這支鏡頭 (LEICA LEITZ SUMMICRON 90mm f/2.0) 的後膠合鏡組出現了典型的點狀脫膠的問題。 取出此鏡組之後,將原本黏合在一起的兩片鏡片分離,去除殘膠,徹底清潔鏡片,接下來就是精準對心重新黏合。 最後再補上鏡邊避光黑漆,順利完成脫膠的重新黏合處理!
This LEICA LEITZ SUMMICRON 90mm f/2.0 has its typical dot-shape separation on its rear cemented lens group.
After taking out the target lens, following the standard treatment procedure, the lens group receive a re-cementing with precise collimation. The last step is re-blackening the lens edge. The separation issue has been resolved perfectly!