
2017年4月19日 星期三

KERN-MACRO-SWITAR 50mm f/1.8 AR for ALPA 前後膠合鏡組脫膠/離膠 重新黏合 Balsam Separation for Re-Cementing

這支KERN-MACRO-SWITAR 50mm f/1.8送來處理是想要解決它前後兩組膠合鏡組出現的脫膠/離膠的問題。
它的 脫膠/離膠 情況看起來頗輕微,不過這問題是會隨時間漸漸惡化的,所以鏡主希望可以儘早處理,將問題解決。
前後兩組膠合鏡組,都不是用金屬環鎖在鏡框裡的,而是一體成型金屬包邊鑲在金屬鏡框裡,所以要用特殊工具小心的將密封鏡片的金屬薄框割開,才能取出鏡片。 鏡片取出之後,就按照表準的脫膠/離膠處理程序,將原本黏合在一起的鏡組分離、清除殘膠,再對心重新黏合,並將鏡邊壁重新塗上避光黑漆,最後再將鏡片封回金屬鏡框。

This KERN-MACRO-SWITAR 50mm f/1.8 showed separation to both front and rear cemented lens group, and was sent to me for resolving this problem.
The two group were embedded in the metal frame and need a special equipment to cut off the metal seal ring to take out the lens.
The re-cementing treatment involves multi-steps, such as taking apart the cemented lens, cleaning the residual glue, collimating for re-cementing, blackening the lens edge. The final step for this lens is to seal the lens back to its metal frame.
The whole process is complicated, but performed smoothly and the result is perfect!

