這支 Contarex Carl Zeiss Sonnar 85mm f/2.0 的前膠合鏡組出現脫膠/離膠的問題。 這是一個三枚鏡片黏合在一起鏡組,兩個膠合層的其中一個處現脫膠/離膠。 實務上的經驗,沒辦法只分離有脫膠/離膠的膠合層,必須三片鏡片都分開,再重新黏合。 處理上,比兩片黏在一起的膠合鏡組離膠更為麻煩,費用也會比較高。
This Contarex Carl Zeiss Sonnar 85mm f/2.0 got a separation to one of the two cementing layers of its front cemented triplet lens. The way to resolve this problem is to taking apart the three piece of glass, cleaning the residual glue and re-cementing by precise collimation. Re-cementing for a triplet has a more complicated procedure than a doublet, so the price will be higher.
I used to improving blackening of the lens edge after re-cementing to reach a better result.