這支鏡頭Carl Zeiss Jena Pancolar 55mm f/1.4 的前鏡片有清楚的變質受損的痕跡,會明顯的影響畫質,雖不致減損銳利度,但成像會有卡上一層霧的朦朧感
將鏡片取出,經過精準的拋光程序處理之後,便可將鏡片上的淺層變質層拋除,讓鏡片恢復乾淨通透。 拋光之後的成像也恢復原本的清晰,銳利度也不會受到影響
This Carl Zeiss Jena Pancolar 55mm f/1.4 shows significant sign of superficial deterioration. This is a normal issue may happen to old lens. This kind of damage won't affect the sharpness, but makes the image looks hazy and untransparent.
The precise polishing treatment will remove the deteriorated layer and makes the glass looks clean and bright again without alter its original sharpness.