這支稀有的鏡頭(Konica Konishiroku Hexanon 60mm f/1.2)送來的時候狀況很不好,鏡片髒污、可活動的部分動作都不順暢、光圈葉片沾油,特別是後鏡組有一個面出現變質的問題需要拋光處理
This rare lens, Konica Konishiroku Hexanon 60mm f/1.2, came with bad condition. The glasses were dirty, movement parts turned unsmoothly, aperture blades got sign of oil, and the most serious problem is one of the surface of the rear lens group got deterioration that need a polishing treatment.
Full disassembling the lens and cleaning all the parts and each piece of glasses, and making a polishing treatment to the deteriorated surface.
Now, the lens is in great working condition with smooth focusing and aperture ring, and clear glasses.