這支Contax N P50/1.4的後膠合鏡組出現脫膠/離膠的問題需要處理
N P50/1.4跟P50/1.4 CY 的鏡組結構近乎相同,P50/1.4 CY 是一隻以脫膠/離膠出名的鏡頭,這支N P50/1.4似乎也開始出現災情了~
This Contax N P50/1.4 got a separation issue to its rear cemented lens group that need to have a re-cementing treatment.
The N P50/1.4 share the similar optical structure to P50/1.4 CY, which is notorious to the separation problem of its rear cemented lens group. Now the N P50/1.4 seems to getting more and more cases with separation problem.
This is a great lens and worth the money to have a re-cementing treatment to make it restore back to its original condition.