
2016年5月30日 星期一

Contarex Carl Zeiss Sonnar 85mm f/2.0 前鏡片嚴重刮傷拋光處理 Polishing treatment for the serious scratches in the front glass

這支Contarex Carl Zeiss Sonnar 85/2.0送來處理的主要原因就是他的前鏡片有密密麻麻的刮痕,看起來頗嚴重,這種問題只能以拋光處理來解決。


This case shows the polishing treatment for the front glass of Contarex Carl Zeiss Sonnar 85/2.0, which shows dense of scratches.
The main consideration of the treatment is to keep the curve shape of the target lens surface under polishing procedure to preserve the original image/optical quality.

As you can see in the following images, the result shows a significant difference between the pre- and post- polishing treatment clarity. Saving the lens and keeping the image quality!

