今天整理了一些Rollei Tele Rolleiflex TLR的照片,就po了這篇給各位朋友參考
Rolleiflex TLR上的取景鏡和拍攝鏡中的膠合鏡組多多少少都會有脫膠/離膠的情形,只要處理過後,就不會再有問題
本篇的是Tele Rolleiflex上的 取景鏡Heidosmat 135/4 以及 拍攝鏡Sonnar 135/4都有脫膠/離膠的狀況。 Heidosmat 135/4的第二群是膠合鏡組,Sonnar 135/4的第一群以及第二群也都是膠合鏡組,這三組都很容易有脫膠離膠的問題,不過仔細處理過後,就不會有問題了!
最後一張照片就可以看到最近同一時間處理完成的三支Sonnar 135/4 以及兩支Heidosmat 135/4 。
I received some TLR with balsam separation on its lenses recently. I post this page as an example in repairing the separation of Rollei Tele Rolleiflex TLR.
The cemented lens group of both viewing lens and taking lens of Rolleiflex TLR are quite easy to suffering from balsam issue, after the treatment, the problem won't be recurrent.
This page shows the balsam separation in viewing lens (Heidosmat 135/4) and taking lens (Sonnar 135/4) of Tele Rolleiflex. The second lens group of Heidosmat 135/4 is cemented group. The first and second group of Sonnar 135/4 are also cemented group. All these cemented group are easy to get separation issue.
The last photo shows 3 sonnar 135/4 and 2 Heidosmat 135/4 just completed the separation treatment.