
2015年6月3日 星期三

KONICA HEXANON AR 57mm f/1.2 全鏡整理 Full CLA

這支鏡頭送來的時候無法使用,因為它的光圈連動系統的零件已經散開,還有就是對焦環只能小範圍活動。 另外,鏡片也有髒污需要清洗。
全鏡拆解細部清理乾淨之後,重新組裝校正,順利完工~ 又是一尾活龍!

This lens I received is in an unusable condition, because the parts of diaphragm coupling system scattered around, and the focusing ring cannot work in full rang. Beside that, the glasses is dirty and need to clean.
After dissembling and cleaning most of the parts and glasses, then re-assembling and make a careful calibration. The work completed smoothly, all the problems resolved and it strong again!

