
2015年2月4日 星期三

ROLLEIFLEX 3.5 F 拍攝鏡 滿佈刮痕 拋光 Taking lens scratches polishing

這陣子陸陸續續處理了不少雙眼相機鏡片的問題,這次處理這台時,剛好突發奇想,將背蓋打開,用SONY A7R貼在底片艙的位置試拍。
這種粗糙方式的試拍,僅是作為拋光前後成像比對的參考而已 ^_^

這台ROLLEIFLEX 3.5F拍攝鏡的前鏡片有滿滿的刮痕,非常嚴重,它的主人說拍出來的照片對比很低,也非常怕光。拋光前的是拍照也的確如此,請見倒數第二張照片,看起來有一層霧濛濛的感覺。
因為鏡面滿佈刮痕,拋光後還是留了幾道比較深的刮痕,不過這些不需要再拋除,畢竟全部拋除會改變鏡面的曲度,而且剩下這些刮痕也已經不會對成像有影響。 拋光後,鏡片看起來通透許多,處理好之後的試拍,成像的對比與飽和度顯著提升,也不再有霧濛濛的感覺。


This ROLLEIFLEX 3.5F got serious scratches on the front surface of the taking lens. The scratches has significant impact on the image quality.
The owner told me the contrast of the photos taken by this camera is quite low, and it is prone to flare when shooting under backlight condition.
The way to alleviate the impact from the scratches is to polish the lens. As you can see below, the glass looks quite clear and clean after polishing.
The last two photos are the before-and-after sample images taken by SONY A7R (just a rough test that I attached the A7R to the film chamber of ROLLEIFLEX with opened back lid). You can clearly see the differences, the color of the "after" has higher contrast and saturation than "before".
Polishing treatment rescue the life of the camera!

