
2015年2月27日 星期五

NIKON NIKKOR 85mm f/1.4 AI-s 鍍膜變質受損 拋光處理 Coating Damage/Deterioration, Polishing Treatment

這支 Nikon 85mm f/1.4 AI-s 前鏡片外側鍍膜不明原因嚴重受損,整面霧矇矇。想讓它恢復乾淨透亮,唯一的方式就是鏡片拋光。 在不影響光學表現的前提下,將壞掉的鍍膜拋掉,讓鏡片變回通透明亮!

Here is a Nikon 85/1.4 AI-s with serious coating damage on the outer surface of front
glass. The whole front coating looks hazy and unclear.
The only way to make it clear again without altering the optical performance is make a polishing treatment. The result shows the treatment remove the damaged coating and revive the lens to clean and bright condition.

