
2014年12月29日 星期一

FOCA OPLAREX 5cm f/1.9 鍍膜與玻璃變質霧化拋光處理 Coating & glass deterioration, polishing treatment

這支 FOCA OPLAREX 5cm f/1.9 前鏡片的鍍膜嚴重老化變質,連玻璃本身都有受損,整隻鏡頭看起來就是霧濛濛的。

This lens (FOCA OPLAREX 5cm f/1.9) got a serious coating and glass deterioration to its front glass. It looks really hazy and foggy.
Polishing is the only way to save this lens. Polishing treatment can remove all the aged coating and the damages/marks happened to shallow surface of the glass. Minor deep marks is unable to polish, because the core value of polishing treatment is to maintain the original curve of the glass to keep the precise image.
The last 2 photos (pre- and post-polishing) show the significant benefit from the polishing treatment.
Many happy that the lens got a rebirth!

